Our Support Policy
- To get a pre-purchase advice, you may post in the theme’s forum.
- To get a response more promptly, you are recommended to use our Ticket-system.
- We try to answer your questions within 1-10 hours. However, if any delay occurs, it doesn’t mean that we forgot about you. Some of the issues require testing and analyzing, so we can resolve it effectively.
- Please note! We do not provide support, if you do not have the purchase code.
- Item support does not include:
- Customization and installation.
- Support for third party software and plugins.
How to use our Support System
- In the ‘Item Details’ there is a clickable banner “Support Sys”, which leads you to tickets.
- Or you may simply follow this link: ancorathemes.ticksy.com.
- Enter your purchase key and register in the system.
- To avoid a confusion, please use your own ThemeForest login in Support System.
- Fill out the ticket form.
How to find a purchase key
- Open the “downloads” tab in your account.
- Find our theme in the list of products.
- Click “download” button, and in the drop-down menu select “license certificate & purchase code”.
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